There is no greater compliment for an artist than to have someone say to them: “I feel such a connection to your artwork that I must have it with me every single day for the rest of my life.” It is an amazing feeling that I have been blessed enough to experience every time someone sends me a pic of their new tattoo, and says it was inspired by their Family Tree Glass jewelry.
Of course, I know it is not just our glasswork that is inspiring this awesome ink. These moms were inspired by their own children, and their unique journey into attachment parenting, breastfeeding, and motherhood. And what better reason to get a tattoo than to celebrate such an incredible change in a woman’s life! After all, people have been marking their rites of passage with tattoos in many cultures around the world for thousands of years.
But as an artist, the most accomplished feeling comes from knowing that art born of my creative consciousness has made a deep connection with another’s soul. Those that wear my designs etched deeply in their skin forever will always be kindred spirits to me, and I am truly humbled to receive such a generous gift as the canvas of one’s own body.
Some mamas have felt this deep connection to our handblown glass Mother pendants, or their custom made Family jewelry. I always try to use custom colors and any other personal information the mother wishes to share to create a piece that will resonate with that family, and feel uniquely special to them. I also try to keep my designs simple and to the point, so that they are a universal expression of motherly love.
Some women are activists for breastfeeding, or advocates for natural childbirth, and their tattoo is a way of making a stand for cause that they feel passionately about. They choose to wear this symbol proudly. If one of my glass pendant designs is chosen to symbolize something so important to them that they want to carry it with them forever, then I am one lucky glassblower.